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above(Interval<K>) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.Interval
Is this Node fully above the given node? That is, is the min of this node equal to or higher than the max of the given node?
above(K, K) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.Interval
AbstractHeap<T> - Class in com.github.basking2.sdsai
A heap that allows the compare functions to be specified.
AbstractHeap() - Constructor for class com.github.basking2.sdsai.AbstractHeap
add(EObject) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.SearchTree
add(UniqueChildMutableTreeNode) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.gui.UniqueChildMutableTreeNode
add(Interval<K>, V) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.IntervalTree
Add the object v in the tree under interval i using the minimum value as the tree key and tracking the maximum value for the subtree containing the interval.
add(Key<E>) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.RedBlackTree
Calls add(o, ALL).
add(Key<E>) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.Set
This calles add(o,NODUPKEYS).
add(Key<E>, int) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.RedBlackTree
This is just like add, but you can specify a mode.
add(D[][], T) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.RTree
add(E) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.CircularLinkedList
Add the object to the end of the list, before the root of the list.
add(CharSequence, V) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.Trie
add(K[], V) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.KDTree
add(T) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.AbstractHeap
add(VALUE) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.LinkedList
addEast(VectorTile) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.EnclosedVectorTileGroup
addEast(VectorTile) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.VectorTileGroup
addHead(VALUE) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.LinkedList
addNewRow() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.EnclosedVectorTileGroup
addNewRow() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.VectorTileGroup
addNewRow(VectorTile) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.EnclosedVectorTileGroup
addNewRow(VectorTile) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.VectorTileGroup
addToAllLoggers() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.gui.JScrollingLog
Add this object's handler to all loggers.
addToLogger(String) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.gui.JScrollingLog
Remove this object's handler from the given logger.
all() - Static method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.KeySelectionFactory
Select all.
ALL - Static variable in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.RedBlackTree
One of three modes that the add method can function with.
append(String) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.gui.JLineScrollingTextPane
Append what is considered a line.
append(String) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.gui.JScrollingTextPane
append(String, String) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.gui.JLineScrollingTextPane
Append what is considered a line.
append(String, String) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.gui.JScrollingTextPane
appendIterators(Iterator<E>...) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.util.CompositIterator
Append one or more iterators to the internal list.
apply(RTree.Node) - Method in interface com.github.basking2.sdsai.RTree.ConsumeNode
Return true to continue searching or false to abort the search.
ArrayTree<T> - Class in com.github.basking2.sdsai
A tree backed by an array.
ArrayTree(int, int) - Constructor for class com.github.basking2.sdsai.ArrayTree
ArtificialSide(String) - Constructor for class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.Side.ArtificialSide
available() - Method in class


Base85 - Class in com.github.basking2.sdsai
Base85 codec.
Base85() - Constructor for class com.github.basking2.sdsai.Base85
Base85(boolean) - Constructor for class com.github.basking2.sdsai.Base85
BasicKeySelection - Class in com.github.basking2.sdsai
BasicKeySelection(Key<? extends Object>, Key<? extends Object>) - Constructor for class com.github.basking2.sdsai.BasicKeySelection
beginPoint - Variable in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.Side
A point that begins a contour in a particular cell.
below(Interval<K>) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.Interval
Is the Node fully below the given node? That is, is the max of this node equal to r lower than the min of the given node?
below(K, K) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.Interval
BicubicZoom - Class in com.github.basking2.sdsai.math
BicubicZoom() - Constructor for class com.github.basking2.sdsai.math.BicubicZoom
BOGUS_VALUE - Static variable in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.Side
This is used to construct artificial sides as place holders.
bottom - Variable in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.VectorTile
These are lines that exited the polygon from the bottom.
BOTTOM - Static variable in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.Point
A point exists on a side of a square between two corner values.
breadthFirstKeys() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.KDTree
breadthFirstValues() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.KDTree
build() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.VectorTileBuilder
Build a new VectorTile or throw a RuntimeException.
build(byte[]) - Static method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.IsobandContours
Create a contour given the 4-element array of point values.
build(Double[], Double[], Function<Double[], Double>) - Static method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.math.MultilinearInterpolator
buildArtificialSide(double, double, byte, byte, byte, byte) - Static method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.Side
Build an artificial side with the correct number of points.
buildBoundingBox(Feature) - Static method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.VectorTile
Return A 2x2 array where [0][0] is x-min, [0][1] is x-max, [1][0] is y-min, and [1][1] is y-max.
buildConstantTile(byte, int, int) - Static method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.VectorTileBuilder
Build a tile that has no contours because it is composed of solid values.
buildFeature(LinkedList.Node<Point>) - Method in interface com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.FeatureFactory
buildInputStreamIterator(File, String, String, int, int) - Static method in class
Build an iterator that produces FileInputStream.
buildIsoband() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.VectorTileBuilder
buildPointLineNode(double, double, byte) - Static method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.Point
Build a point that is located on the side of a cell relative to the upper-left point.


cell - Variable in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.Side
The value in the data grid.
child(int, int) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.ArrayTree
child(int, int, int) - Static method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.ArrayTree
child0(int) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.ArrayTree
child0(int, int) - Static method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.ArrayTree
CircularLinkedList<E> - Class in com.github.basking2.sdsai
CircularLinkedList() - Constructor for class com.github.basking2.sdsai.CircularLinkedList
clear() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.IntervalTree
Empty the data structure.
clear() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.KDTree
clear() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.LinkedList
clear() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.RedBlackTree2
Empty the data structure.
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class
Close the output stream referenced by this object.
close() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.EnclosedVectorTileGroup
Close the bottom layer of this object.
cmp(Key<? extends Object>, Key<? extends Object>) - Static method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.Key
This is really the core comparison function.
collateHoles() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.VectorTile
Put negative features, polygons that are holes, inside features that are positive polygons.
COLLECT_COLOR - Static variable in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.Colors
When the tile is built point colors are initially 0.
color - Variable in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.LinkedList.Node
When traversing a recursive structure it is helpful to mark nodes in some way.
Colors - Class in com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares
To track when a point has been visited, when a node is visited it is given a color.
com.github.basking2.sdsai - package com.github.basking2.sdsai
com.github.basking2.sdsai.exception - package com.github.basking2.sdsai.exception
com.github.basking2.sdsai.gui - package com.github.basking2.sdsai.gui
com.github.basking2.sdsai.image - package com.github.basking2.sdsai.image - package
com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares - package com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares
com.github.basking2.sdsai.math - package com.github.basking2.sdsai.math
Various helpful math utilities.
com.github.basking2.sdsai.selectiontree - package com.github.basking2.sdsai.selectiontree
This package implements a kind of expression tree.
com.github.basking2.sdsai.util - package com.github.basking2.sdsai.util
compare(String, String) - Static method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.util.Version
compareTo(Key<? extends Object>) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.Key
Calls Key.cmp(this, k).
compareTo(Version) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.util.Version
compose(Key<D>) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.Key
Compose key k with this key by appending the key value of k onto this key's key value.
compose(D, Key<? extends Object>) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.Key
Compose key k with this key by appending the key value of k onto this key's key value.
CompositIterator<E> - Class in com.github.basking2.sdsai.util
Maps iteration over a list of iterators that return the same type.
CompositIterator(Iterator<E>...) - Constructor for class com.github.basking2.sdsai.util.CompositIterator
computeSize() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.RTree.Node
Return the size of this subtree.
ConcatinatedInputStream - Class in
An input stream that is a concatination of several other input streams.
ConcatinatedInputStream(Iterator<? extends InputStream>) - Constructor for class
contains(Interval<K>) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.Interval
contains(Point, Iterator<Point>) - Static method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.Point
Consider if the point is inside the polygon represented by the iteration of points.
contains(K) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.Interval
Return true if the point falls within the range of [min, max).
containsOrEqual(Interval<K>) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.Interval
containsOrEqual(K) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.Interval
Return true if the point equals the min or falls within the range of [min, max).
containsPoint(Point, boolean) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.Feature
Check if the point is contained in the polygon that makes out the outside of this Feature.
contours - Variable in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.Tile
An array of IsobandContours that is populated when Tile.isoband() is run.
convert(Point) - Method in interface com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.SimpleGeoJson.GridToWorld
Returns (x, y) as a two element array.
convert(Point) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.SimpleGeoJson.LinearProportionalGridToWorld
copyData(IntervalTree.RBNode) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.IntervalTree.RBNode
Copy data members (not tree structure members) from another RBNode.


data - Variable in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.Key
This is optional satellite data to associate with the key.
decode(byte[]) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.Base85
decode(byte[], int, byte[], int) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.Base85
Decode 5 bytes of the in array into 4 bytes into the out array.
decodeString(String) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.Base85
DEFAULT_COLOR - Static variable in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.Colors
The default color of nodes.
defaultFactory() - Static method in interface com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.FeatureFactory
A factory that calls new on Feature.
del(double) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.SearchTree
Remove the object with key k.
del(Key<? extends Object>) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.RedBlackTree
Calls del(o.getKey());
del(E) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.CircularLinkedList
delAll() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.RedBlackTree
Empty the data structure.
delete() - Method in class
delete() - Method in class
delete(D[][]) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.RTree
delete(File, String, String) - Static method in class
delete(File, String, String, int, int) - Static method in class
delete_fixup() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.RedBlackTree.RBNode
deleteFixup() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.IntervalTree.RBNode
deleteFixup() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.RedBlackTree2.RBNode
deleteSubtree(D[][]) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.RTree
Similar to RTree.delete(Comparable[][]), but this will remove an entire subtree and return it to the caller.
delObj(Key<E>) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.RedBlackTree
disjunction(Set<E>) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.Set
This is not a standard set operation, per se.
DuplicateDataException - Exception in com.github.basking2.sdsai
DuplicateDataException(Key<? extends Object>) - Constructor for exception com.github.basking2.sdsai.DuplicateDataException


empty() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.IntervalTree
empty() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.RedBlackTree
empty() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.RedBlackTree2
empty() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.SearchTree
EnclosedVectorTileGroup - Class in com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares
This performs much the same function as the VectorTileGroup but surrounding the shape with a constant field.
EnclosedVectorTileGroup(byte, FeatureFactory) - Constructor for class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.EnclosedVectorTileGroup
encode(byte[]) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.Base85
encode(byte[], int, byte[], int) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.Base85
Encode 4 bytes of the in array into 5 bytes into the out array.
encodeString(byte[]) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.Base85
end - Variable in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.selectiontree.GroupingFilter.RangeImpl
endExclusive - Variable in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.selectiontree.GroupingFilter.RangeImpl
endPoint - Variable in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.Side
A point that ends a contour.
EObject - Interface in com.github.basking2.sdsai
An EObject is an enumerable object.
eq(Key<? extends Object>) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.Key
Are this and k equal?
EQUAL - Static variable in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.RTree
equalDimensions(D[][], D[][]) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.RTree
equals(Object) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.Interval
equals(Object) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.util.Version


False() - Constructor for class com.github.basking2.sdsai.selectiontree.GroupingFilter.False
Feature - Class in com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares
A feature is a map of strings to strings and an orderd list of points.
Feature(LinkedList.Node<Point>) - Constructor for class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.Feature
FeatureFactory - Interface in com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares
A class that builds new Features.
features - Variable in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.VectorTile
Fully finished features.
FileRing - Class in
A collection of static methods to help FileRingInputStream and FileRingOutputStream operate.
FileRing(File, String, String, int) - Constructor for class
FileRingInputStream - Class in
FileRingInputStream(FileRingOutputStream) - Constructor for class
Use the output stream's parameters to construct an input stream.
FileRingInputStream(File, String, String) - Constructor for class
FileRingInputStream(File, String, String, int, int) - Constructor for class
FileRingOutputStream - Class in
A class that reads and writes over a ring of files.
FileRingOutputStream(File, int, FileRingOutputStream.RotationPredicate) - Constructor for class
Create a new file ring with a start file of 0.
FileRingOutputStream(File, String, String, int, FileRingOutputStream.RotationPredicate) - Constructor for class
FileRingOutputStream.RotateAfterWrites - Class in
FileRingOutputStream.RotateBySize - Class in
Return true when a file size is exceeded.
FileRingOutputStream.RotationPredicate - Interface in
finalize() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.gui.JScrollingLog
find() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.UFSet
Taken from the name of the well known algorithm.
find(double) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.SearchTree
Find or member, what ever you would like to call it.
find(Key<? extends Object>) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.RedBlackTree
find(D[][]) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.RTree
find(CharSequence) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.Trie
find(K) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.IntervalTree
find(K) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.RedBlackTree2
find(K[]) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.KDTree
findAll(Key<? extends Object>, List<Key<E>>) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.RedBlackTree
Find all the keys of the value k.
findClosest(K[]) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.KDTree
findEnclosed(D[][], RTree.ConsumeNode<T>) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.RTree
Collect the T values that are RTree.INSIDE the given dimensions.
findEnclosing(D[][], RTree.ConsumeNode<T>) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.RTree
Collect the T values that are RTree.OUTSIDE the given dimensions.
findIntersecting(Interval<K>, BiConsumer<Interval<K>, V>) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.IntervalTree
Find all entries for which the entry interval intersects with the given interval i.
first(Key<? extends Object>) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.RedBlackTree
Returns the first key in the tree that equals k.
flush() - Method in class
flush() - Method in class
forEach(RTree.ConsumeNode<T>) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.RTree
formatString(String, Function<String, ? extends Object>) - Static method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.util.StringInterpolator
formatString(String, Map<String, ? extends Object>) - Static method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.util.StringInterpolator
formatString(String, Properties) - Static method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.util.StringInterpolator


get() - Method in interface
get(int) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.AbstractHeap
get(int) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.ArrayTree
get(RedBlackTree.RBNode) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.RedBlackTree
getAverage() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.math.RollingAverage
Get the current average.
getByteArray() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.Key
Return the internal byte array used to represent this key.
getChildren() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.RTree.Node
getCurrentFile(File, String, String) - Static method in class
Return file in the ring that is currently being written to, according to the meta file.
getCurrentFileNumber() - Method in class
getCurrentFileNumberAndSize(File, String, String) - Static method in class
Read the meta file from a file ring and return an array with the current file number and the ring size as elements.
getData() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.Key
getDimensions() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.RTree.Node
getDir() - Method in class
getFile(File, String, String, int) - Static method in class
Build the file name.
getHead() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.LinkedList
getIndex() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.gui.UniqueChildMutableTreeNode
getJTextPane() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.gui.JLineScrollingTextPane
getJTextPane() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.gui.JScrollingTextPane
getJViewport() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.gui.JLineScrollingTextPane
getJViewport() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.gui.JScrollingTextPane
getKey() - Method in exception com.github.basking2.sdsai.DuplicateDataException
getKey() - Method in interface com.github.basking2.sdsai.EObject
Return the key value for this object.
getKey() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.gui.UniqueChildMutableTreeNode
getKey() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.RedBlackTree.RBNode
getMax() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.Interval
getMaxXOffset() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.EnclosedVectorTileGroup
getMaxXOffset() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.VectorTileGroup
Return the largest X offset observed.
getMaxYOffset() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.EnclosedVectorTileGroup
getMaxYOffset() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.VectorTileGroup
Return the largest Y offset observed.
getMetaFile(File, String, String) - Static method in class
Build the meta file name.
getMin() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.Interval
getOffset() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.gui.TopBottomGraph
Get the offset in the graph from the y axis of the image.
getPrefix() - Method in class
getRate() - Method in class
Return the perceived rate at which this output stream has most recently sent data.
getRateLimit() - Method in class
getRingSize() - Method in class
getRoot() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.CircularLinkedList
getScrollback() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.gui.JLineScrollingTextPane
getScrollback() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.gui.JScrollingTextPane
getSize() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.RTree
getStyledDocument() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.gui.JLineScrollingTextPane
Return the styled document for this so that styles may be added.
getStyledDocument() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.gui.JScrollingTextPane
Return the styled document for this so that styles may be added.
getSuffix() - Method in class
getT() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.RTree.Node
getTail() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.LinkedList
getThreshold() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.gui.JLineScrollingTextPane
Get the threshold.
getThreshold() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.gui.JScrollingTextPane
Get the threshold.
getValues() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.math.RollingAverage
Get the current count of values.
getVectorTile() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.EnclosedVectorTileGroup
Close and get the VectorTile.
getVectorTile() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.VectorTileGroup
getXOffset() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.VectorTileGroup
getYOffset() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.VectorTileGroup
GroupingFilter<T> - Interface in com.github.basking2.sdsai.selectiontree
A grouping filter is a type of Predicate that may be combined with other instances.
GroupingFilter.Equal<T extends Comparable<T>> - Class in com.github.basking2.sdsai.selectiontree
GroupingFilter.False<T extends Comparable<T>> - Class in com.github.basking2.sdsai.selectiontree
GroupingFilter.GreaterThan<T extends Comparable<T>> - Class in com.github.basking2.sdsai.selectiontree
GroupingFilter.GreaterThanEqual<T extends Comparable<T>> - Class in com.github.basking2.sdsai.selectiontree
GroupingFilter.LessThan<T extends Comparable<T>> - Class in com.github.basking2.sdsai.selectiontree
GroupingFilter.LessThanEqual<T extends Comparable<T>> - Class in com.github.basking2.sdsai.selectiontree
GroupingFilter.RangeImpl<T extends Comparable<T>> - Class in com.github.basking2.sdsai.selectiontree
GroupingFilter.True<T extends Comparable<T>> - Class in com.github.basking2.sdsai.selectiontree
gt(Key<? extends Object>) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.Key
Is this greater than k?
gt(Key<? extends Object>) - Static method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.KeySelectionFactory
GTandLT(Key<? extends Object>, Key<? extends Object>) - Static method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.KeySelectionFactory
Represents an interval of [k1, k2]
GTandLTE(Key<? extends Object>, Key<? extends Object>) - Static method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.KeySelectionFactory
Represents an interval of [k1, k2)
gte(Key<? extends Object>) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.Key
Is this greater than or equal to k?
gte(Key<? extends Object>) - Static method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.KeySelectionFactory
GTEandLT(Key<? extends Object>, Key<? extends Object>) - Static method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.KeySelectionFactory
Represents an interval of (k1, k2]
GTEandLTE(Key<? extends Object>, Key<? extends Object>) - Static method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.KeySelectionFactory
Represents an interval of (k1, k2)


hashCode() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.selectiontree.GroupingFilter.RangeImpl
This is the hash code of the output of GroupingFilter.RangeImpl.normalForm().
hashCode() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.util.Version
Proxy hashCode to String.hashCode().
hasNext() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.util.CompositIterator
highkey - Variable in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.BasicKeySelection
holes - Variable in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.Feature


imageUpdate(Image, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.gui.TrivialImageCanvas
This is defined to handle information about the image should that information not be available at the moment the constructor is called.
indexLevel(int) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.ArrayTree
indexLevel(int, int) - Static method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.ArrayTree
insert_fixup() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.RedBlackTree.RBNode
insertFixup() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.IntervalTree.RBNode
insertFixup() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.RedBlackTree2.RBNode
inSet(Key<? extends Object>) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.BasicKeySelection
inSet(Key<? extends Object>) - Method in interface com.github.basking2.sdsai.KeySelection
INSIDE - Static variable in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.RTree
Returned if a segment is inside another segment and so will be placed lower in the tree.
interpolate(Double[]) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.math.MultilinearInterpolator
intersect(Set<E>) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.Set
Make a new set consisting of the intersection of two other sets.
interval - Variable in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.IntervalTree.RBNode
This is effectively the key, though order and indexing is done through Interval.getMin().
Interval<K extends Comparable<K>> - Class in com.github.basking2.sdsai
A half-open interval the starts at point a and continues until point b but excluding point b.
Interval(K, K) - Constructor for class com.github.basking2.sdsai.Interval
intervals() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.IntervalTree
IntervalTree<K extends Comparable<K>,V> - Class in com.github.basking2.sdsai
An implementation of a Augmented Interval Tree backed by a Red Black Tree.
IntervalTree() - Constructor for class com.github.basking2.sdsai.IntervalTree
IntervalTree.RBNode - Class in com.github.basking2.sdsai
How a tree is represented.
IOUtil - Class in
IOUtil() - Constructor for class
isBlack - Variable in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.IntervalTree.RBNode
isBlack - Variable in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.RedBlackTree.RBNode
isBlack - Variable in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.RedBlackTree2.RBNode
isCounterClockwise() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.Feature
O(n) test if the polygon represented by this feature is wound counter-clockwise.
isCounterClockwise(Iterator<Point>) - Static method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.Point
Determine if a polygon laid out in Raster order is wound counter clockwise or not.
isEmpty() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.KDTree
isEmpty() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.LinkedList
isInside(D[][], D[][]) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.RTree
Return if d1 is RTree.INSIDE, RTree.OUTSIDE, or at the RTree.SAME level in the tree relative to d2.
isInside(D[], D[]) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.RTree
Return if d1 is RTree.INSIDE, RTree.OUTSIDE, or at the RTree.SAME level in the tree relative to d2.
isoband() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.Tile
Build and attach IsobandContours for all cells.
IsobandContours - Class in com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares
Contours are lines in a square.
IsobandContours(byte, byte, byte, byte) - Constructor for class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.IsobandContours
Create a contour given the 4-element array of point values.
isZ85() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.Base85
isZero() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.Key
iterator() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.AbstractHeap
Return an iterator that walks through this heap in index-order.
iterator() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.ArrayTree
Iterate over every node in breadth-first order.
iterator() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.LinkedList
iterator() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.LinkedList.Node
iterator() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.RedBlackTree


JLineScrollingTextPane - Class in com.github.basking2.sdsai.gui
This is almost identical to the JScrollingTextPane except this does not use buffer size but line number as its determiner of when to remove lines from the buffer.
JLineScrollingTextPane() - Constructor for class com.github.basking2.sdsai.gui.JLineScrollingTextPane
JLineScrollingTextPane(int, int) - Constructor for class com.github.basking2.sdsai.gui.JLineScrollingTextPane
JScrollingLog - Class in com.github.basking2.sdsai.gui
JScrollingLog() - Constructor for class com.github.basking2.sdsai.gui.JScrollingLog
Create a logger with its handlers not added to any logs.
JScrollingLog(String) - Constructor for class com.github.basking2.sdsai.gui.JScrollingLog
Create a log monitor whose handler is added to logger s.
JScrollingTextPane - Class in com.github.basking2.sdsai.gui
JScrollingTextPane() - Constructor for class com.github.basking2.sdsai.gui.JScrollingTextPane
JScrollingTextPane(int, int) - Constructor for class com.github.basking2.sdsai.gui.JScrollingTextPane


KDTree<K extends Comparable<K>,V> - Class in com.github.basking2.sdsai
A k-d tree that operates much like a traditional binary search tree.
KDTree() - Constructor for class com.github.basking2.sdsai.KDTree
key - Variable in exception com.github.basking2.sdsai.DuplicateDataException
When this exception is thrown, the key in the database that raised the exception is returned.
key - Variable in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.IntervalTree.RBNode
The Interval.getMin() value used to order and index nodes in the Red Black tree.
key - Variable in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.RedBlackTree.RBNode
key - Variable in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.RedBlackTree2.RBNode
Key<D> - Class in com.github.basking2.sdsai
This is a more general version of a key.
Key() - Constructor for class com.github.basking2.sdsai.Key
Key(byte[]) - Constructor for class com.github.basking2.sdsai.Key
Key(byte[], D) - Constructor for class com.github.basking2.sdsai.Key
Key(int) - Constructor for class com.github.basking2.sdsai.Key
Key(int, D) - Constructor for class com.github.basking2.sdsai.Key
Key(long) - Constructor for class com.github.basking2.sdsai.Key
Key(long, D) - Constructor for class com.github.basking2.sdsai.Key
Key(Key<? extends Object>) - Constructor for class com.github.basking2.sdsai.Key
Key(Key<? extends Object>, D) - Constructor for class com.github.basking2.sdsai.Key
Create a key with the same key value as parameter k but with o as the object.
Key(String) - Constructor for class com.github.basking2.sdsai.Key
Key(String, D) - Constructor for class com.github.basking2.sdsai.Key
keys() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.IntervalTree
keys() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.RedBlackTree2
KeySelection - Interface in com.github.basking2.sdsai
This is an interface to objects that represent sets of keys.
KeySelectionFactory - Class in com.github.basking2.sdsai
KeySelectionFactory() - Constructor for class com.github.basking2.sdsai.KeySelectionFactory


last(Key<? extends Object>) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.RedBlackTree
LazyFileOutputStream - Class in
A lazy file output stream delays opening a file to write until its internal buffer is filled.
LazyFileOutputStream(File) - Constructor for class
LazyFileOutputStream(File, int) - Constructor for class
LazyOutputStream - Class in
And output stream that buffers data and opens and writes that data only when the buffer is full.
LazyOutputStream(int, LazyOutputStream.OutputStreamFactory) - Constructor for class
LazyOutputStream.OutputStreamFactory - Interface in
left - Variable in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.IntervalTree.RBNode
left - Variable in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.VectorTile
These are lines that exited the polygon from the left; This list is ordered from top-to-bottom with out-bound edges preceding inbound edges.
left - Variable in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.RedBlackTree.RBNode
left - Variable in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.RedBlackTree2.RBNode
left - Variable in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.util.Pair
LEFT - Static variable in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.Point
A point exists on a side of a square between two corner values.
levelOffset(int) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.ArrayTree
levelOffset(int, int) - Static method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.ArrayTree
What is the offset into an array that the first node of a tree level occures at.
LinearProportionalGridToWorld(double, double) - Constructor for class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.SimpleGeoJson.LinearProportionalGridToWorld
Assume that xOffset and yOffset are both 0.
LinearProportionalGridToWorld(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.SimpleGeoJson.LinearProportionalGridToWorld
lineCount - Variable in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.IsobandContours
lines - Variable in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.IsobandContours
An array of integers values that represent lines in a square.
LinkedList<VALUE> - Class in com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares
Java's linked list library is excellent, but we need direct access to manipulate the next reference.
LinkedList() - Constructor for class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.LinkedList
LinkedList.Node<VALUE> - Class in com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares
list(File, String, String, int, int) - Static method in class
List the current files, starting with listened one.
ListVisitor<E> - Interface in com.github.basking2.sdsai
A ListVisitor is passed to the foreach(...) method of a List implementation.
lowkey - Variable in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.BasicKeySelection
lt(Key<? extends Object>) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.Key
Is this less than k?
lt(Key<? extends Object>) - Static method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.KeySelectionFactory
lte(Key<? extends Object>) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.Key
Is this less than or equal to k?
lte(Key<? extends Object>) - Static method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.KeySelectionFactory


main(String[]) - Static method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.gui.JLineScrollingTextPane
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.gui.TopBottomGraph
This is for testing but we can pull it out later when we are comfy with it.
max() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.IntervalTree
max() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.IntervalTree.RBNode
max() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.KDTree
max() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.RedBlackTree
max() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.RedBlackTree.RBNode
max() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.RedBlackTree2
max() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.RedBlackTree2.RBNode
max() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.SearchTree
MAX - Static variable in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.util.Version
Special object value to mean represent the maximum value.
maxKey() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.KDTree
member(Key<? extends Object>) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.RedBlackTree
member(UFSet) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.UFSet
Returns true if the calling instance and m are members of the same set.
member(K) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.IntervalTree
member(K) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.RedBlackTree2
min() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.IntervalTree
min() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.IntervalTree.RBNode
min() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.KDTree
min() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.RedBlackTree
min() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.RedBlackTree.RBNode
min() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.RedBlackTree2
min() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.RedBlackTree2.RBNode
min() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.SearchTree
MIN - Static variable in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.util.Version
Special object value to mean represent the minimum value.
minKey() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.KDTree
msg - Variable in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.Side.ArtificialSide
MultilinearInterpolator - Class in com.github.basking2.sdsai.math
A generalization of interpolation.
MultilinearInterpolator(Double[], Double[], Double[]) - Constructor for class com.github.basking2.sdsai.math.MultilinearInterpolator
mustRead(InputStream, byte[], int, int) - Method in class


ne(Key<? extends Object>) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.Key
Are this and k not equal?
next - Variable in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.LinkedList.Node
next() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.CircularLinkedList
next() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.util.CompositIterator
next(IntervalTree.RBNode) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.IntervalTree
Returns the next largest value in the tree given a location produced by this tree.
next(RedBlackTree.RBNode) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.RedBlackTree
Returns the next largest value in the tree given a location produced by this tree.
next(RedBlackTree2.RBNode) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.RedBlackTree2
Returns the next largest value in the tree given a location produced by this tree.
Node(D[][], T) - Constructor for class com.github.basking2.sdsai.RTree.Node
Node(VALUE, LinkedList.Node<VALUE>) - Constructor for class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.LinkedList.Node
Node(VALUE, LinkedList.Node<VALUE>, byte) - Constructor for class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.LinkedList.Node
nodesAtLevel(int, int) - Static method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.ArrayTree
Starting at level 0, this returns the number of nodes at in a level.
NODUPKEYS - Static variable in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.RedBlackTree
One of three modes that the add method can function with.
NODUPOBJ - Static variable in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.RedBlackTree
One of three modes that the add method can function with.
normalForm() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.selectiontree.GroupingFilter.Equal
normalForm() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.selectiontree.GroupingFilter.False
normalForm() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.selectiontree.GroupingFilter.GreaterThan
normalForm() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.selectiontree.GroupingFilter.GreaterThanEqual
normalForm() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.selectiontree.GroupingFilter.LessThan
normalForm() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.selectiontree.GroupingFilter.LessThanEqual
normalForm() - Method in interface com.github.basking2.sdsai.selectiontree.GroupingFilter
Return this filter in a normalized textual format.
normalForm() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.selectiontree.GroupingFilter.RangeImpl
normalForm() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.selectiontree.GroupingFilter.True


openForReading() - Method in class
openForWriting(FileRingOutputStream.RotationPredicate) - Method in class
OUTSIDE - Static variable in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.RTree
Returned if a segment is outside another segment and so will be placed higher in the tree.
overlaps(Interval<K>) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.Interval


paint(Graphics) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.gui.TrivialImageCanvas
pair(LEFT, RIGHT) - Static method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.util.Pair
Pair<LEFT,RIGHT> - Class in com.github.basking2.sdsai.util
Pair(LEFT, RIGHT) - Constructor for class com.github.basking2.sdsai.util.Pair
parent - Variable in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.IntervalTree.RBNode
parent - Variable in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.RedBlackTree.RBNode
parent - Variable in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.RedBlackTree2.RBNode
parent(int) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.ArrayTree
parent(int, int) - Static method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.ArrayTree
parse(String[]) - Static method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.util.Version
Parse the given String into an array of Digits.
plot(float, float) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.gui.TopBottomGraph
Plot the percentages on this graph.
plot(int, int) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.gui.TopBottomGraph
Plot two graphs.
plotDelta(float, float) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.gui.TopBottomGraph
Plot given the differences in percentages of the total height.
plotDelta(int, int) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.gui.TopBottomGraph
Plot given the differences between the values instead of the absolute values.
PngWriter - Class in com.github.basking2.sdsai.image
Utility class for writing a .png with some meta data.
PngWriter() - Constructor for class com.github.basking2.sdsai.image.PngWriter
Point - Class in com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares
Point(double, double, byte) - Constructor for class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.Point
Make a new point along the edge of a cell.
Point(Point) - Constructor for class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.Point
Copy constructor.
points - Variable in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.Feature
A list of all points that make up this feature.
predecessor() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.IntervalTree.RBNode
Returns the predecessor to a node or RBNULL if there is none.
predecessor() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.RedBlackTree.RBNode
Returns the predecessor to a node or RBNULL if there is none.
predecessor() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.RedBlackTree2.RBNode
Returns the predecessor to a node or RBNULL if there is none.
prettyPrint() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.Side
prettyPrint() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.Trie
prettyPrint(Trie.Node, int) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.Trie
prev() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.CircularLinkedList
prev(IntervalTree.RBNode) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.IntervalTree
Similar to next.
prev(RedBlackTree.RBNode) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.RedBlackTree
Similar to next.
prev(RedBlackTree2.RBNode) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.RedBlackTree2
Similar to next.
print() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.IntervalTree
print() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.RedBlackTree
print() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.RedBlackTree2
print() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.SearchTree
print(String) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.IntervalTree.RBNode
print(String) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.RedBlackTree.RBNode
print(String) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.RedBlackTree2.RBNode
print(String) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.SearchTree
properties - Variable in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.Feature
put(K, V) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.RedBlackTree2
Put the object v in the tree under key k.


RangeImpl(T, boolean, T, boolean) - Constructor for class com.github.basking2.sdsai.selectiontree.GroupingFilter.RangeImpl
RateLimitedOutputStream - Class in
This output stream blocks when a send will exceed its rate limit.
RateLimitedOutputStream(OutputStream, int) - Constructor for class
Create a new output stream with a limit of Bps, bytes per second.
RBNode(boolean) - Constructor for class com.github.basking2.sdsai.IntervalTree.RBNode
RBNode(boolean) - Constructor for class com.github.basking2.sdsai.RedBlackTree.RBNode
RBNode(boolean) - Constructor for class com.github.basking2.sdsai.RedBlackTree2.RBNode
RBNode(Interval<K>, V, IntervalTree.RBNode) - Constructor for class com.github.basking2.sdsai.IntervalTree.RBNode
RBNode(Key<E>) - Constructor for class com.github.basking2.sdsai.RedBlackTree.RBNode
RBNode(K, V, RedBlackTree2.RBNode) - Constructor for class com.github.basking2.sdsai.RedBlackTree2.RBNode
RBNULL - Variable in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.IntervalTree
RBNULL - Variable in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.RedBlackTree
RBNULL - Variable in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.RedBlackTree2
read() - Method in class
read() - Method in class
read(byte[]) - Method in class
read(byte[]) - Method in class
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class
RedBlackTree<E> - Class in com.github.basking2.sdsai
An implementation of an Red Black Tree.
RedBlackTree() - Constructor for class com.github.basking2.sdsai.RedBlackTree
RedBlackTree.RBNode - Class in com.github.basking2.sdsai
How a tree is represented.
RedBlackTree2<K extends Comparable<K>,V> - Class in com.github.basking2.sdsai
An implementation of a Red Black Tree.
RedBlackTree2() - Constructor for class com.github.basking2.sdsai.RedBlackTree2
RedBlackTree2.RBNode - Class in com.github.basking2.sdsai
How a tree is represented.
remove() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.AbstractHeap
remove() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.util.CompositIterator
remove(int) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.AbstractHeap
remove(UniqueChildMutableTreeNode) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.gui.UniqueChildMutableTreeNode
remove(Interval<K>) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.IntervalTree
Remove the interval that matches.
remove(CharSequence) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.Trie
remove(K) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.RedBlackTree2
Calls del(o.getKey());
remove(K[]) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.KDTree
removeFromAllLoggers() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.gui.JScrollingLog
Remove this object's handler from all loggers.
removeFromLogger(String) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.gui.JScrollingLog
Remove this object's handler from the given logger.
removeHead() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.LinkedList
removeLine() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.gui.JLineScrollingTextPane
Remove the last line if one exists.
removeMax() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.KDTree
removeMin() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.KDTree
replace(int, T) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.AbstractHeap
replace(T) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.AbstractHeap
reset() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.math.RollingAverage
Set the number of values to 0.
reset() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.UFSet
This method resets the set in wich this object, and all sub objects reside to being named after this object.
reset(double) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.math.RollingAverage
Reset this to 1 value of the given initial value.
resizeBuffer(int) - Method in class
reverse() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.LinkedList.Node
right - Variable in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.IntervalTree.RBNode
right - Variable in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.VectorTile
These are lines that exited the polygon from the right; This list is ordered from top-to-bottom with out-bound edges preceding inbound edges.
right - Variable in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.RedBlackTree.RBNode
right - Variable in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.RedBlackTree2.RBNode
right - Variable in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.util.Pair
RIGHT - Static variable in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.Point
A point exists on a side of a square between two corner values.
RollingAverage - Class in com.github.basking2.sdsai.math
RollingAverage() - Constructor for class com.github.basking2.sdsai.math.RollingAverage
RollingAverage(double, double) - Constructor for class com.github.basking2.sdsai.math.RollingAverage
root - Variable in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.CircularLinkedList
The current location in the list.
root - Variable in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.IntervalTree
Root of the tree.
root - Variable in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.RedBlackTree
Root of the tree.
root - Variable in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.RedBlackTree2
Root of the tree.
rotate(int) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.CircularLinkedList
Rotate root of the list +i ( or -i (root.prev) spaces and return the Object stored in that Element.
rotate_left() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.RedBlackTree.RBNode
Returns the new "top" of the sub tree.
rotate_right() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.RedBlackTree.RBNode
Returns the new "top" of the sub tree.
RotateAfterWrites(int) - Constructor for class
RotateBySize(long) - Constructor for class
RotateBySize(long, File) - Constructor for class
Construct using a file length as the starting point.
RotateBySize(long, File, String, String) - Constructor for class
Construct assuming the current file ring.
rotateLeft() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.IntervalTree.RBNode
Returns the new "top" of the sub tree.
rotateLeft() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.RedBlackTree2.RBNode
Returns the new "top" of the sub tree.
rotateRight() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.IntervalTree.RBNode
Returns the new "top" of the sub tree.
rotateRight() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.RedBlackTree2.RBNode
Returns the new "top" of the sub tree.
rotateTo(E) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.CircularLinkedList
Rotate the root forward until we find the first match of Object o.
RTree<D extends Comparable<D>,T> - Class in com.github.basking2.sdsai
RTree() - Constructor for class com.github.basking2.sdsai.RTree
RTree.ConsumeNode<T> - Interface in com.github.basking2.sdsai
A closure that allows searching to be stopped by the caller of a function.
RTree.Node - Class in com.github.basking2.sdsai


SAME - Static variable in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.RTree
Returned if a segment is on the same level as another segment and so will be placed at the same level in the tree.
scrollToBottom() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.gui.JLineScrollingTextPane
scrollToBottom() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.gui.JScrollingTextPane
SearchTree - Class in com.github.basking2.sdsai
This class implements a standard search three.
SearchTree(int) - Constructor for class com.github.basking2.sdsai.SearchTree
SearchTree(EObject) - Constructor for class com.github.basking2.sdsai.SearchTree
SearchTree(EObject, int) - Constructor for class com.github.basking2.sdsai.SearchTree
set(int, T) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.ArrayTree
Set<E> - Class in com.github.basking2.sdsai
Sets are different than Collections.
Set() - Constructor for class com.github.basking2.sdsai.Set
setAverage(double) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.math.RollingAverage
Set the current average without changing the values count.
setBackgroundColor(Color) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.gui.TopBottomGraph
setBottomColor(Color) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.gui.TopBottomGraph
setBurstSize(long) - Method in class
When the output stream must block before sending data it can block the minimum time to send 1 byte, it can block the time required to send all data, or it can behave in the middle.
setData(D) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.Key
setDelay(long) - Method in class
This method limits the burst and delay of an output stream using the current rate and the submitted delay value in milliseconds.
setKey(double) - Method in interface com.github.basking2.sdsai.EObject
Set this object's key value.
setMarkerColor(Color) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.gui.TopBottomGraph
setMax(K) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.IntervalTree.RBNode
setOffset(int) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.gui.TopBottomGraph
Set the offset of the graph.
setPoints(double, double, byte, byte, byte, byte) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.Side
setRingStart(int) - Method in class
Set the file to start appending to in the ring.
setScrollback(int) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.gui.JLineScrollingTextPane
The maximum number of lines this can hold.
setScrollback(int) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.gui.JScrollingTextPane
This is the maximum length that of the scroll back buffer in characters.
setStitchTiles(boolean) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.EnclosedVectorTileGroup
setStitchTiles(boolean) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.VectorTileGroup
setThreshold(int) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.gui.JLineScrollingTextPane
Set the threshold.
setThreshold(int) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.gui.JScrollingTextPane
Set the threshold.
setTimePeriod(long) - Method in class
Set the period of time in milliseconds over which the average rate is computed.
setTopColor(Color) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.gui.TopBottomGraph
setValues(double) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.math.RollingAverage
Set the values value to the given number.
side - Variable in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.Point
Side - Class in com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares
A side is one cell value and optionally one or two points on the edge of a Tile.
Side(byte) - Constructor for class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.Side
Side(byte, LinkedList.Node<Point>, LinkedList.Node<Point>) - Constructor for class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.Side
Side.ArtificialSide - Class in com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares
SimpleException - Exception in com.github.basking2.sdsai.exception
An exception that does not record the stack trace.
SimpleException(String) - Constructor for exception com.github.basking2.sdsai.exception.SimpleException
SimpleException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.github.basking2.sdsai.exception.SimpleException
SimpleException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.github.basking2.sdsai.exception.SimpleException
SimpleGeoJson - Class in com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares
A very naive method to build a simple GeoJSON object.
SimpleGeoJson() - Constructor for class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.SimpleGeoJson
SimpleGeoJson.GridToWorld - Interface in com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares
How to convert the X and Y values of the points in the VectorTile to a latitude and longitude.
SimpleGeoJson.LinearProportionalGridToWorld - Class in com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares
A grid to world method that treats X and Y as being proportional to latitude and longitude.
simplify(GroupingFilter.RangeImpl<T>) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.selectiontree.GroupingFilter.False
simplify(GroupingFilter.RangeImpl<T>) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.selectiontree.GroupingFilter.RangeImpl
Given another range, return a range the is the intersection of these two.
simplify(GroupingFilter.RangeImpl<T>) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.selectiontree.GroupingFilter.True
size - Variable in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.CircularLinkedList
size - Variable in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.IntervalTree
Size of the tree.
size - Variable in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.RedBlackTree
Size of the tree.
size - Variable in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.RedBlackTree2
Size of the tree.
size() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.AbstractHeap
size() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.CircularLinkedList
size() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.IntervalTree
size() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.KDTree
size() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.Key
size() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.LinkedList
size() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.RedBlackTree
size() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.RedBlackTree2
sort(EObject[]) - Method in interface com.github.basking2.sdsai.Sorter
This method will be used to sort an array of EObjects.
Sorter - Interface in com.github.basking2.sdsai
This interface is so that any sorting structure can use different sorting methods.
start - Variable in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.selectiontree.GroupingFilter.RangeImpl
startExclusive - Variable in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.selectiontree.GroupingFilter.RangeImpl
STITCH_COLOR - Static variable in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.Colors
When nodes are stitched, they are colored this to detect loops.
StringInterpolator - Class in com.github.basking2.sdsai.util
StringInterpolator() - Constructor for class com.github.basking2.sdsai.util.StringInterpolator
successor() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.IntervalTree.RBNode
Returns the successor to a node or RBNULL if there is none.
successor() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.RedBlackTree.RBNode
Returns the successor to a node or RBNULL if there is none.
successor() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.RedBlackTree2.RBNode
Returns the successor to a node or RBNULL if there is none.
swapPoints() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.Side.ArtificialSide
swapPoints() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.Side


test(FileRingOutputStream, byte[], int, int) - Method in class
test(FileRingOutputStream, byte[], int, int) - Method in class
test(FileRingOutputStream, byte[], int, int) - Method in interface
test(T) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.selectiontree.GroupingFilter.False
test(T) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.selectiontree.GroupingFilter.RangeImpl
test(T) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.selectiontree.GroupingFilter.True
tile - Variable in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.Tile
A tile of -1, 0, or 1 values.
Tile - Class in com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares
Tile(byte[], int) - Constructor for class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.Tile
top - Variable in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.VectorTile
These are lines that exited the polygon from the top; This list is ordered from left-to-right with out-bound edges preceding inbound edges.
TOP - Static variable in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.Point
A point exists on a side of a square between two corner values.
TopBottomGraph - Class in com.github.basking2.sdsai.gui
TopBottomGraph(int, int) - Constructor for class com.github.basking2.sdsai.gui.TopBottomGraph
Creates an image of type TYPE_INT_ARGB of size width x height.
toString() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.Interval
toString() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.Key
toString() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.IsobandContours
toString() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.LinkedList.Node
toString() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.Point
toString() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.Side.ArtificialSide
toString() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.Side
toString() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.RTree.Node
toString() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.util.Version
Return the original version string.
translate(double, double) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.Feature
Add the given x and y offset to this point, translating it.
Trie<V> - Class in com.github.basking2.sdsai
Trie() - Constructor for class com.github.basking2.sdsai.Trie
TrivialImageCanvas - Class in com.github.basking2.sdsai.gui
This is a simple class for displaying an image.
TrivialImageCanvas(Image) - Constructor for class com.github.basking2.sdsai.gui.TrivialImageCanvas
TrivialImageCanvas(Image, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.github.basking2.sdsai.gui.TrivialImageCanvas
True() - Constructor for class com.github.basking2.sdsai.selectiontree.GroupingFilter.True


UFSet - Class in com.github.basking2.sdsai
This is a union-find set.
UFSet() - Constructor for class com.github.basking2.sdsai.UFSet
union(Set<E>) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.Set
Make a new set consisting of two other sets.
union(UFSet) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.UFSet
Union two sets of object together in constant time.
UniqueChildMutableTreeNode - Class in com.github.basking2.sdsai.gui
This class extends DefaultMutableTreeNode but uses an RedBlackTree to guarantee that no child may be added whose toString method returns a string that has already been added.
UniqueChildMutableTreeNode(Object) - Constructor for class com.github.basking2.sdsai.gui.UniqueChildMutableTreeNode
unordered(T, T) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.AbstractHeap
Are t1 and t2 ordered.
update(double) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.math.RollingAverage
Update the average.
updateMax() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.IntervalTree.RBNode
Update the IntervalTree.RBNode.max value for this node, considering children that are not RBNULL and the interval.
updateMaxAncestry() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.IntervalTree.RBNode
Walk up the tree until we are at an RBNULL node and update the IntervalTree.RBNode.max value.
uuidProperty() - Static method in interface com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.FeatureFactory
A factory that generates a UUID.randomUUID() and adds it as the property "id" in the new feature.


value - Variable in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.IntervalTree.RBNode
A value associated with the interval.
value - Variable in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.Key
value - Variable in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.LinkedList.Node
value - Variable in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.RedBlackTree2.RBNode
values() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.IntervalTree
VectorTile - Class in com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares
VectorTile() - Constructor for class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.VectorTile
VectorTileBuilder - Class in com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares
VectorTileBuilder(Tile, FeatureFactory) - Constructor for class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.VectorTileBuilder
VectorTileGroup - Class in com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares
A vector tile group connects many Tile objects so they may be joined to a single VectorTile.
VectorTileGroup(FeatureFactory) - Constructor for class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.VectorTileGroup
Version - Class in com.github.basking2.sdsai.util
Representation of a dot-separated version string.
Version(String) - Constructor for class com.github.basking2.sdsai.util.Version
Version(String, String) - Constructor for class com.github.basking2.sdsai.util.Version
visit(E) - Method in interface com.github.basking2.sdsai.ListVisitor


width - Variable in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.Tile
How wide is each row in the tile.
willScroll() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.gui.JLineScrollingTextPane
Returns if the window is in a position to scroll or not.
willScroll() - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.gui.JScrollingTextPane
Returns if the window is in a position to scroll or not.
write(byte[]) - Method in class
write(byte[]) - Method in class
write(byte[]) - Method in class
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class
write(int) - Method in class
write(int) - Method in class
write(int) - Method in class
write(VectorTile) - Static method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.SimpleGeoJson
write(VectorTile, SimpleGeoJson.GridToWorld) - Static method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.SimpleGeoJson
write(VectorTile, SimpleGeoJson.GridToWorld, OutputStream) - Static method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.SimpleGeoJson
writeImageToByteArray(OutputStream, BufferedImage, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.image.PngWriter
Write a BufferedImage to the OutputStream.
writeMeta(File, String, String, int, int) - Static method in class
Write the meta data file, those values returned by FileRing.getCurrentFileNumberAndSize(File, String, String).


x - Variable in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.Point


y - Variable in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.marchinesquares.Point


Z85_ALPHABET - Static variable in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.Base85
zoom(double[], int, int, int, int, int, double[], int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class com.github.basking2.sdsai.math.BicubicZoom
Zoom region
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